Plenty of higher education funding aid available
Looking for a college scholarship? As part of their commitment to promoting higher education, both our conference and The United Methodist Church have valuable scholarships and grants to award to deserving, eligible students– but only to those who take the time to fully apply and comply with directions and deadlines. And for some scholarship opportunities, the deadline is coming soon: March 1.
Eastern PA Conference Scholarships are offered to both undergraduate and seminary students. Deadlines are March 1 (for fall semester) and November 1 (for spring semester) every year. Learn more and apply.
The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation is accepting applications now for the 2018-2019 school year. A variety of scholarships are available–through the United Methodist Dollars for Scholars program–for UM students who need help with tuition expenses at UMC-related schools. Find out if they have the ideal scholarship for you. Applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2018. Learn more…
See the new list of other UMC scholarship opportunities listed on our scholarships information webpage. Included are scholarships provided by our UMC general agencies: General Board of Higher Education & Ministry; Discipleship Ministries; Global Ministries; and UM Communications. Many of these scholarships (at Higher Education & Ministry and Global Ministries) are funded by our UM Student Day, Native American Ministries Sunday and World Communion Sunday offerings.)
Finally, an e-blast from the Treasurer’s Office went out today promoting the Conference’s annual Education Society Grants. On April 30 the Education Society will accept grant applications to assist worthy individuals with higher education for the 2018-2019 school year. The “Grants to Defray Higher Education Costs” application is on the Conference website. All applications received in the Conference Office from April 30 to May 21 will be considered for a grant. Eligible applicants will be randomly selected.
It is important to provide all this financial aid information to church and family members planning to attend higher learning institutions next fall. Support for higher education and aspiring UM college, university and seminary students is fundamental to United Methodists.