Apr 05, 2016

On this Sunday, April 10,  we celebrate Native American Ministries!

Every year United Methodist congregations across the country hold a special collection for Native American ministries. These gifts support ministry and outreach to Native American populations within Annual Conferences and provide scholarships for those called to ministry or service.

2015-native-american-bulletin-insertsAs The United Methodist Church continues making disciples of all peoples who may help to transform the world, it seeks to honor the heritage and unique voices of all its members. On this Special Sunday we honor and support our Native American sisters and brothers, as they strive to create new leaders, new places for new people, new ministries to uplift the poor and new ways to bring health and wholeness to their people.

How do our gifts to the Native American Ministries Sunday offering provide this support?

  • Provide scholarships for United Methodist Native American seminarians;
  • Launch Native American ministries;
  • Strengthen ministries within these communities to increase outreach and worship; and
  • Recruit and prepare more Native American pastors to reach more people.

Every gift we receive on Native American Ministries Sunday supports incredible work of Native Americans in our United Methodist family. Every gift honors the contribution and importance of Native Americans.

Witness the impact we can have on this community!


For photos, posters, podcasts: View and share the Moment in Mission video for this Special Sunday

I truly hope that you and your congregation plan to join us in our celebration of generosity and gratitude on Sunday. If you want to support Native American Ministries Sunday 2016, donate now.  God bless you!

The Rev. Glen Chebon Kernell
Executive Secretary of Native American and Indigenous Ministries
General Board of Global Ministries


Allyson Collinsworth
Executive Director, Loans and Scholarships
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry