Jun 30, 2016

LANCASTER COUNTY, Pa. (UMNS) — When Martin Boehm began preaching to a wider group of believers, he was ex-communicated. Now — more than 240 years later — Mennonites have renounced “the small-mindedness of religious thinking” used against the former Mennonite bishop founded a predecessor communion of the present-day UMC. A ceremony restoring Boehm’s Mennonite credentials and a formal confession of wrongdoing, was held June 26 at Boehm’s Chapel, a UM heritage landmark near Lancaster. The chapel also marked its 225th anniversary over the weekend with worship, special meals, an “ice cream blitz” for kids, tours, a time-capsule ceremony and community hymn sing. Boehm’s UMC also offered a preview of its future Saturdayevening chapel worship service, set to launch in the fall.

Included with the story are links to an album of event photos on our Flickr page and video streamed live and posted on Boehm’s UMC’s Facebook. Learn more…