Sep 18, 2015

Young Adult Forum 2015-09-11 5Twenty-two young adults from the Philadelphia area gathered on Friday evening, Sept. 11, for dinner and an open discussion led by members of the Eastern PA Conference Young Adult Council. Their purpose was to connect and create a sense of community among young people of faith and to offer a forum for discussion about relevant and important life issues.

Oftentimes we as young people get the impression that particular topics are taboo within the church setting and that some of our questions would be perceived as inappropriate or unsuitable to discuss at church. Well, we made it very clear in the beginning that the forum would offer a “no holds barred” dialogue. Everyone was welcome to ask any questions on their hearts or minds. This was a judgment-free zone, and nothing was unmentionable.

Our wide range of topics ranged from delving into the meaning of the term “soul ties”* to questions about how to handle challenges in pursuing one’s call to ministry. It was encouraging to hear the voices and perspectives of those who sat around the table.

Young Adult Forum 2015-09-11 3For every topic mentioned, there was someone there who could offer insight, advice or sometimes just a different viewpoint. Each person offered up a question for discussion, and needless to say, we had more questions than we could possibly answer in just two hours.

The young adult forum proved to be an enjoyable time of fellowship and we hope to bring this group together again soon.

By Tamara Wims, Eastern PA Conference Council on Young Adult Ministries

*Note: “Soul ties” is a modern phrase with several different spiritual and relational interpretations of meaning. An online search of the term yields various usages, including those found at the religious site (“What does the Bible say about soul ties?”) and in the Urban Dictionary.